Mary Ninivaggi

Mary Ninivaggi


Physical Therapist

I grew up locally in Morris County where I was involved in town sports all the way through high school. In high school, I participated in Volleyball, Basketball, and Lacrosse. I then went to Marywood University where I majored in Athletic Training, minored in Nutrition, and played Women’s Lacrosse. I then continued my education by completing a DPT at Rutger’s University.

Core Values:

  • Being a reliable and loyal partner, friend, and family member
  • Giving my best effort to go above and beyond for what is important to me
  • Living out all decisions with integrity


“People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”
– Maya Angelou

Favorite Shows:

  • Reality TV
  • Rom-Com

Something I aim to fix as a physical therapist is when patients feel they cannot return to activities or have to give something up. I enjoy finding creative ways to compromise or modify activities.

Conditions I enjoy treating:

  • Knee and lower body injuries
  • Dynamic balance

I enjoy working at Carroll Physical Therapy because of the common goals and mentality we have as a team, the small business feel and quality care we provide, the ability to spend one on one time with my patients, and being able to give back to the community with volunteer opportunities.

Outside of the office, I enjoy spending time with family and friends over a good meal, either going out or cooking at home. I enjoy taking walks and boat rides with my dog, traveling and experiencing new things, and spending time on the lake or at the beach.

Frank A

“After my knee injury I was told I needed physical therapy. I cannot say enough positive qualities about my therapist -Mary. She took me from a very painful situation, one in which I was more than willing to just settle, for reduced pain, to my final result, of being pain free. She truly takes an interest in your medical situation and possesses the knowledge to help remedy“

Alex D

“After hip replacement surgery, I chose Carroll PT after a personal recommendation. Mary was my therapist and I cannot say enough good things about her attention to detail, listening to my concerns, and adjusting my rehab accordingly. I would definitely recommend to family and friends.”

Ann Beth C

“If you are in need of Physical Therapy, then Caroll PT is the facility you want. The staff is friendly, warm, and knowledgeable. My therapist, Mary, was excellent. She guided me through several months of therapy which resulted in strengthening and Increasing the flexibility of my shoulder. The majority of the discomfort I had initially was nearly gone by the time I graduated. Thankyou Mary and Caroll PT for a great experience and result!”